Want to share your favorite recipe? Investigate a local restaurant? Visit the farm that makes the best cheese you ever had EVER? Awesome! We want to help.
Become a guest blogger for The Angry Chef!
Send us your ideas at angrychefcuisine@gmail.com. We want to hear everything from tried and true recipes to crazy ideas. Places, people, flavors, you name it. If you can think it up, we can post it.
Take plenty of photos! Horizontal images tend to work best - we'll size them to about 746x429 pixels. If you need help editing your photos, let us know!
Introduce yourself! We'll want to include information about you with your guest post. Feel free to send a bio image (we'll size this to about 168x168 pixels), the URL for your blog or website, and a mini-bio for yourself! This will all go on a bio page for our guest contributors.
Link it up! You can have your guest post on The Angry Chef link to a complimentary recipe on your own blog. For example, if you write a guest post about a curry dish, include a link to your own blog post on how to make naan bread! This is a great way to bring additional traffic to your site, and encourage us food blogs to stick together. It's a blog eat blog world out there.